
Don is responsible for the strategic direction of the consortium and leading the team of procurement management and support staff. He is the managing director and company secretary of LUPC, and company secretary of Ensemble Purchasing.

Bindi is responsible for the management of the contracting team and tendering activity at LUPC.

Suzanne is responsible for member recruitment, relations and benefits; stakeholder communications; events; website and CRM system; and advertising and commercial opportunities.

Reece delivers a professional procurement consultancy and support service to LUPC members, covering all levels of procurement, as required by the relevant member organisation.

Roy manages Professional Services (including Legal Services), Travel, Library, Recruitment Services, Offices Supplies, Print, and Paper at LUPC.

Julie manages the Estates category alongside Justin McLoughlin.

Mike manages ICT, Insurance, AV and Broadcast & Photographic Equipment at LUPC. Mike also served on the Board of Trustees at Electronics Watch 2015-2022.

Justin manages the Estates category alongside Julie Gooch.

Antonio manages the STEMed and Laboratory Category at LUPC. He is also responsible for the eprocurement system, electronics, furniture, utilities and veterinary supplies.

Mags is responsible for helping LUPC to implement policy, develop and implement strategy, conduct research and training in responsible procurement. She assists member organisations with embedding responsible procurement within their sourcing processes and supports suppliers to meet rigorous human rights and environmental criteria set against global benchmarks.

Caroline is responsible for the accounts and invoicing at LUPC, as well as office management and general administration.

Joyce supports LUPC's Senior Category Managers as well as the wider team with their administrative requirements.

Kai is responsible for all of LUPC’s data needs, including management information and spend data, as well as LUPC’s ICT systems. He develops internal reports for LUPC staff, executive committee and the board, and the annual member benefits and scope 3 reports.

Giorgia is responsible for stakeholder communications, the LUPC ebulletin, Linked magazine, social media and website content

Ami joined LUPC, as a Procurement Administrator in January 2024. She is one of two apprentices, in LUPC’s first apprenticeship scheme. She aims to expand her Procurement career, over the course of the next few years, gaining experience and helping our members.

Nicola joined LUPC, as a Procurement Assistant in February 2025. He is one of two apprentices in LUPC's apprenticeship scheme.
Articles of Association
LUPC's Articles of Association set out its constitution, responsibilities of its directors and the kind of business undertaken. They also define the contract between LUPC and its members.
LUPC Board
As a company limited by guarantee, LUPC is led by a Board made up of senior directors drawn from members of the consortium. All Board Members are democratically elected by the membership with just one exception – LUPC's Director, who is accountable to the Board.
The Board is responsible for the strategic leadership and direction of the consortium. It elects the Chair and Deputy Chair, appoints the Director, sets the budget, publishes its Annual Report and Accounts and executes all other duties and responsibilities commensurate with directing the company.
The Board meets four times annually and delegates day-to-day management responsibility to the Director and decisions as to operational priorities to LUPC’s Executive Committee. Board minutes are available on request - please email Suzanne Picken.
LUPC Board Members

Executive Committee
LUPC’s Executive Committee sets the consortium’s operational priorities and decides on sourcing strategies, proposed by Commodity Groups, for the goods and services made available through our agreements. Its authority is delegated by the LUPC Board.
Executive Committee Members are procurement professionals, drawn from and democratically elected by the membership, and also include LUPC's Director and Deputy Director.
The Executive Committee meets four times annually. Members of the Committee take turns to Chair its meetings. Executive Committee minutes are available on request - please email Suzanne Picken.
If you have any queries, questions or points you wish to discuss with our Executive committee, you can email them on
Executive Committee Members