Market Insight Document
The latest quarterly UKUPC Market Insight Documents (December 2024) are now available.
The full detailed report, provided for UKUPC members by the professional category leads across the university purchasing consortia, contains insight on what is happening in national and international supply chains. The summary report provides a high-level view of the key issues affecting each category. The summary may be read, and shared internally, alone or in conjunction with the full detailed market insight document.
You can access the documents by clicking onto the links below - you will be prompted to log in to the LUPC website in order to download them:
UKUPC Market Insight Full Document - December 2024
UKUPC Market Insight SUMMARY Document - December 2024
We hope you continue to find the documents useful and welcome any feedback to improve the reports. Please contact Bindi Sandhu if have any comments or queries.
Contract Database for Members Use
LUPC has created a Contracts Database for use by members’ procurement teams to facilitate the effective management of contracts. It is particularly useful for those with a devolved procurement structure. The database will support members’ strategic drivers and allow them to manage and prioritise their contracts, with the reporting tool summarising the number of contracts and their status.
Members can download a blank copy of this excel contract database and a guidance document which should be used in conjunction with it. The guide explains how to maximise the potential of the Contracts Database.
N.B. This contract database has been created for the benefit of LUPC members and we request that you do not share it outside of your organisation.
For any queries, please contact Bindi Sandhu.
Invitation to Tender Templates
LUPC has provided a suite of templates to help its members’ when tendering under the PCR 2015 regulations, and for non-regulated procurement. Please note you will need to be an LUPC member and log in to the LUPC website to download the templates provided below.
PCR 2015 Regulated |
Non-regulated |
PA2023 Regulated |
2.4.1 Invitation to Tender (ITT) |
3.4.1 Invitation to Tender (ITT) |
4.1(a) Invitation to tender (Open under 2023 Act) (14.01.25)(74039888.4) |
2.4.2 Supplier Questionnaire |
3.4.2 Supplier Questionnaire |
4.1.(b) Invitation to participate (Competitive flexible under 2023 Act) (14.01.25)(73593630.4) |
2.4.3 (a) Standstill Letter Unsuccessful |
3.4.3 (a) Letter Unsuccessful |
4.2. Procurement Specific Questionnaire under 2023 Act(74039908.3) |
2.4.3 (b) Standstill Letter Successful |
3.4.3 (b) Letter Successful |
4.3.1.(a) Assessment summary (unsuccessful bidder) (2023 Act)(74536648.1) |
2.4.4 Award Letter |
3.4.4 Award Letter |
4.3.1.(b) Assessment summary (successful bidder) (2023 Act)(74536662.1) |
4.3.2 Award letter (2023 Act)(74536681.1)
Regulated Procurement Templates (PA2023)
4.1(a) Invitation to tender (Open under 2023 Act) (14.01.25)(74039888.4)
4.1.(b) Invitation to participate (Competitive flexible under 2023 Act) (14.01.25)(73593630.4)
4.2. Procurement Specific Questionnaire under 2023 Act(74039908.3)
4.3.1.(a) Assessment summary (unsuccessful bidder) (2023 Act)(74536648.1)
4.3.1.(b) Assessment summary (successful bidder) (2023 Act)(74536662.1)
4.3.2 Award letter (2023 Act)(74536681.1)
Regulated Procurement Templates (2015)
Invitation to tender (PCR regulations) (June 2024)
Standstill (a) (unsuccessful bidder) (PCR regulations) (June 2024)
Standstill (b) (successful bidder) (PCR regulations) (June 2024)
Award letter (PCR regulations) (June 2024)
Supplier Questionnaire (PCR regulations) (June 2024)
Non-regulated Procurement Templates
Invitation to tender (not PCR regulations) (June 2024)
Supplier Questionnaire (not PCR regulations) (June 2024)
Notification (unsuccessful bidder) (not PCR regulations) (June 2024)
Award letter (not PCR regulations) (June 2024)
Webinar - Tender Documents Templates (PCR2015 and non-regulated)
A webinar was delivered by Brodies LLP on 20 June 2024, demonstrating how the templates can be used and how they can benefit your organisation.
Watch the Tender Documents Templates Webinar
Download the Tender Document Templates Slides
Standard Terms & Conditions Template
We have prepared some Standard Terms and Conditions for our members to use in their procurements that are outside of framework call-offs.
Standard Goods and Services Agreement TEMPLATE v2
(Updated November 2023 to include TUPE)
Use typically for high risk, high complexity requirements, determined by the value of the procurement.
Short Form Goods and Services Ts and Cs TEMPLATE
Short form set of terms are suitable for the reverse of a PO and for smaller, less complex contracts.
LUPC Standard Terms and Conditions Guidance Note and Webinar Recording
This explains the contract terms/schedules and how they can be used.
Standard Ts and Cs Template Webinar Presentation Slides
Please refer to the guidance note for additional support and information.
Webinar - Terms & Conditions Template
A webinar was delivered by Brodies LLP demonstrating how the templates can be used.
Watch the Terms & Conditions Webinar Recording
Download the Terms & Conditions Webinar Slides
The above templates are part of a suite of dedicated resources for LUPC members and must not be shared externally without prior written permission of LUPC. Members are encouraged to use these resources, however, do so at their own risk. LUPC is not responsible for the contents and how they are used, we have taken best endeavours to provide members with a comprehensive resource suite.