LUPC is very pleased to announce that the latest iteration of the Broadcasting Equipment and Integration Services - AVI3145 NW, is now available to Members.
This framework is split into 2 lots and is available to Members of NWUPC, APUC, CPC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC, and SUPC.
The agreement runs from the 1st July 2023 until 30th June 2025 with the option to extend for two further one year periods until 30th June 2027.
A full user guide is available on HEContracts.
Scope of the framework:
Lot 1 – Supply of Audio, Vision and Lighting Equipment
Lot 2 - Supply & Integration of Audio, Vision and Lighting and Associated Services
Products available via this framework:
The Broadcasting Equipment and Integration Services Framework has been established for the provision of the following goods and services:
Lot 1 – Supply of Audio, Vision and Lighting Equipment
Supply and delivery (excluding Integration), of a range of equipment, consumables and associated products including but is not limited to the following scope; Amplifiers, microphones, sound mixers, headphones, earphones, speakers, autocues, vision mixers, screens, video cameras, processors, cranes, tripods, pedestals, drones, camera mounting solutions, lighting, lighting controls, rigging, lighting effects, lighting power distribution, DMX systems, track and dollies, associated furniture (including custom made), cables and associated accessories. These products will be utilised in but not limited to the following areas; Broadcast, Theatre and Other Studio and Recording Environments for Television, Film, Radio, Theatre, Music and Associated Media Services Environments. This list is not exhaustive.
Lot 2 - Supply & Integration of Audio, Vision and Lighting and Associated Services
Supply and delivery and Integration, of a range of equipment, consumables and associated products and services including but is not limited to the following scope; Amplifiers, microphones, sound mixers, headphones, earphones, speakers, autocues, vision mixers, screens, video cameras, processors, cranes, tripods, pedestals, drones, camera mounting solutions, lighting, lighting controls, rigging, lighting effects, lighting power distribution, DMX systems, track and dollies, cyclorama curtains, chroma key, relevant furniture (including custom made), cables and associated accessories.
Associated Services will include consultancy, design, project management, training, maintenance, technical support, spares, staffing (both technical and operational) as applicable to lot 2. Furthermore, design will not be limited to product specification, and will include more sophisticated skills such as acoustic measurement and treatment. These products will be utilised in but not limited to the following areas; Broadcast, Theatre and Other Studio and Recording Environments for Television, Film, Radio, Theatre, Music and Associated Media Services Environments. This list is not exhaustive.
The benefits of using this framework agreement are:
- More advantageous pricing based on economies of scale from aggregated spend with no price increase considered prior to 31st December 2023.
- A single exercise to establish the overarching agreement and establish the Terms and Conditions of the Framework.
- Reduced administrative effort and associated cost savings.
- The development of a longer term relationship with suppliers which is mutually beneficial.
- Contract management initiatives around supply chain traceability for high-risk products, and packaging initiatives to support reductions in waste.
- Multiple methods of call-off including direct award, desktop exercise and full mini-competition including permitted variation of weightings.
- You have the ability to call off from the agreement as and when required rather than needing to undertake a full tender process.
- The Framework allows for the flexibility to determine specific requirements at the call off stage.
- Framework Agreements support longer term business planning as they span a period of typically four years and allow some stability from market fluctuations.
- NWUPC and your Consortium will provide contract management support to you should you experience any issues with suppliers and will act in your best interests.
- Access to products with recognised sustainability standards.
- Access to Real Living Wage accredited suppliers where required
Suppliers on this Framework:
Lot 1: Supply of Audio, Vision and Lighting Equipment
- The Digital Garage Group
- Proactive UK Ltd
- GV Multi-Media Ltd
- WEX Photo Video
- Creative Video Productions (CVP) Ltd
- Jigsaw Systems Ltd
- Studiocare Professional Audio Ltd
Lot 2: Supply & Integration of Audio, Vision and Lighting and Associated Services
- The Digital Garage Group
- CJP Broadcast Solutions Ltd
Further information on this agreement including supplier contact details can be found in a detailed User Guide which is available on HEContracts.