We would like to remind our members to review their current Modern Slavery Statements and make the appropriate amendments before the next publication. It is best practice to publish the statement within six months of the end of the financial year, and for our members with a financial year running August to July, that is January.
Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act (MSA) requires commercial organisations, with an annual turnover of £36 million or more, to report each year on their efforts to identify, prevent and mitigate modern slavery in their supply chains. Most of LUPC’s members need to comply with this. So, we put together some reminders and some guidance for you:
As a reminder of the mandatory elements, all statements must:
- contain information on the efforts of your institution in the financial year;
- be available from a link on a prominent place on your organisation homepage;
- be approved by the highest level of governance; and
- be signed by someone at the most senior level in your institution.
Based on the UK Government guidance, it is best practice to:
- Publish your modern slavery statement at the bottom of the homepage or in a relevant menu section on your website, such as your ‘’About’’ page. Visibility and easy access to the statement are a clear sign of transparency and confirm your reputation as an organisation that takes this seriously
- Always include the date of approval and the financial year you are reporting on
- Ensure the statement is published within six months of the end of the financial year
- Ensure you keep a statement for each previous financial year on your website. This is a live document that must be updated every year and serves to detail the progress made by your organisation.
Check out our top tips on writing a Modern Slavery Statement, including a checklist to track your progress on writing yours. This checklist can also be used to assess your suppliers’ compliance with section 54 of the MSA.
Take a look at LUPC’s latest Modern Slavery Statement.