LUPC is thrilled to announce Members now have access to the new Residential Textiles, Student Starter Packs and Window Coverings Framework - FFE3177 NW - formally known as the Soft Furnishings Agreement. This framework is split into 5 lots and is available to Members of LUPC, NWUPC, APUC, CPC, HEPCW, NEUPC and SUPC. The agreement runs from the 1st March 2022 until 29th February 2024 with the option to extend for two further one year periods until 28th February 2026.
A full user guide is available at HEContracts.
Introductory webinar to the framework:
As part of the launch of the agreement, NWUPC’s Matthew Porter will be hosting a series of introductory webinars covering Lots 1 & 2 and another for lots 3, 4 & 5. These will cover what’s new on the framework, the benefits of using the framework and how users can get the most out of them. This is open to all LUPC Members so please feel free to forward the link on to any colleagues who may be interested.
Lots 1&2 webinar on Thursday 31st March – 11.30am and Wednesday 6th April – 2pm.
Lots 3,4 & 5 webinar on Friday 22nd April – 10am and Tuesday 10th May – 10am
Where: Online – you can register here.
Scope of the framework:
The Residential Textiles, Student Starter Packs and Window Coverings Framework has been divided into the following lots; Lots 1 & 2 will be of particular relevance to Domestics and Furniture Category Groups and Lot 3,4 & 5 to the Estates Category Group.
Lot 1: Bedding and Bathroom Textiles and Associated Student Accommodation Products
This lot will provide a compliant route for bedding and bathroom textiles for use predominantly in student residential accommodation & conferencing settings. Suppliers will be required, on a national basis, to supply the following in a variety of fabrics and sizes: Bedding Textiles, not limited to bedlinen & bedding packs; duvets, pillows, mattress and bedding protectors, blankets. Bathroom Textiles including towels, face cloths, bathmats, and shower curtains; along with other associated accommodation products. This list is not exhaustive. This lot also covers the supply of products with customisable/bespoke prints on a non-mandatory basis.
Lot 2: Kitchen Starter Packs and Associated Kitchenware
This lot will provide a compliant route for kitchen starter packs and associated kitchenware for use predominantly in student residential accommodation & conferencing settings. Suppliers will be required, on a national basis, to supply, the following items both in packs & individually: cooking aids including but not limited to pans, boards, sheets, glassware, stoneware, ceramicware, knives, utensils. and storage. Diningware including but not limited to cutlery, crockery, glass, and plastic tableware. Kitchen linen. This list is not exhaustive.
Lots 3-5 Window Coverings (Regional Coverage)
This lot will provide a compliant route for supply only and supply & installation of a range of curtains and blinds including but not limited to manual and electric roller, venetian, & vertical blinds in a range of fabrics and materials; black out, dim out, lined & non-lined curtains in a range of fabrics; and window films. Products will be provided in both occupied and unoccupied areas of a member institution’s estate including but not limited to student, residential and commercial accommodation, teaching areas including lecture theatres, bathrooms, offices, storerooms, reception areas, corridors, and stairways. Installations may be required in buildings of historical interest or listings.
Interactive launch presentation:
For a full breakdown of how to use the framework please watch the 2 interactive videos below or use this link for Lots 1&2 – Lots 3,4 &5. Please use the arrows to move through to the next section or click directly on the required section of the video.
Introductory Brochure
A brochure to accompany the launch of the Residential Textiles, Student Starter Packs and Window Coverings Framework has been created and is available by clicking on the image below. The brochure includes a breakdown of the lot structures and benefits of using the framework. Please feel free to distribute this brochure to your colleagues.
What are the framework benefits?
- More advantageous pricing based on economies of scale from aggregated spend, with no price increases considered prior to 28th February 2023.
- A detailed Specification of Requirements is provided covering relevant standards and labelling requirements.
- The call-off Terms and Conditions have been established at framework.
- Reduced administrative effort and associated cost savings.
- Multiple methods of call-off including direct award, desktop exercise and full mini-competition including permitted variation of weightings.
- Direct sales to students are expressly incorporated with a dedicated set of terms and conditions to support such arrangements.
- The ability to request bespoke/customised prints; and the ability to tailor starter packs to meet institutional requirements.
- Access to products with recognised certifications such as the SKA Rating Product Compliance Label or STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX®
- Access to Real Living Wage accredited suppliers where required.
- Contract management initiatives around supply chain traceability for high-risk products, and packaging initiatives to support the move away from single use packaging
- The development of a longer-term relationship with suppliers which is mutually beneficial.
- The Framework allows for the flexibility to determine specific requirements at the call off stage.
- Framework Agreements support longer term business planning as they span a period of typically four years and allow some stability from market fluctuations.
- NWUPC and your Consortium will provide contract management support to you should you experience any issues with suppliers and will act in your best interests.
Suppliers on this Framework:
Further information on this agreement including supplier contact details can be found in a detailed User Guide which is available on HEContracts.
For further questions or enquiries contact Antonio Ramirez Soft Furnishing Category Manager.