We are now uploading presentations and webinars from our events and meetings to a dedicated page on our website. It currently features slides from the Heads of Procurement meeting held on 10th March, and presentations from our COVID-19 Impact Webinars.
Over 150 members from the UK Universities Purchasing Consortia (UKUPC) took part in the COVID-19 Impact Webinars, the first ever delivered by LUPC and SUPC. The day’s programme focused on issues arising due to COVID-19, with the aim of providing much needed support and guidance to members during this particular time.
The morning session included three webinars delivered by legal services framework provider, VWV, and covered guidance on PPN 01-20 and 02-20, force majeure, frustration and contract management and a VWV Q&A panel session. SUMS Consulting led the afternoon sessions with interactive presentations on successful change management and personal resourcefulness during COVID-19.
Feedback on the webinars has so far been positive, and we look forward to seeing the full survey responses so they can inform future events.