LUPC is pleased to announce that members of LUPC, HEPCW, NEUPC, NWUPC, SUPC, TUCO and CPC can now access the new national Waste Management Services framework agreement EFM5076 LU. The framework start date is 26 June 2023 and is for an initial three-year period to 25 June 2026, with the option to extend for a further year.
This agreement consists of five Lots:
- Lot 1: Total waste management
- Lot 2: General & recycling waste services
- Lot 3: Hazardous, Chemical and Radioactive waste
- Lot 4: Clinical & Pharmaceutical Waste
- Lot 5: Confidential Waste.
Framework details
This agreement replaces the expired waste management services agreement EFM5056LU.
The lots were structured following consultation with both members and the supplier market, providing one lot to cover all waste streams and four lots providing access to the individual waste streams. This gives members the ability to choose whether they procure one contract for all their waste requirements or individual contracts for the specialist waste streams.
Through the tender process, suppliers indicated their geographical coverage against each Lot. A tool is available to members to easily find suppliers that can cover their region.
- The framework agreement provides a compliant route to market with pre-qualified suppliers allowing members to reduce the time, resources and money usually spent on carrying out a tender of this nature.
- The process for carrying out a further competition is clearly defined with available templates and guidance for members providing information to carry out a procurement process.
- The new agreement has been designed to encourage suppliers to implement sustainability best practice within their own everyday business operations. Sustainability has been built into the procurement process and the specification.
- The ability for suppliers to indicate their regional coverage against each lot has enabled the inclusion of some localised suppliers who do not have national coverage.
How do I call-off from the framework agreement?
Call-off from this agreement is predominantly via mini competition with some exceptions which are set out in the guidance contained on HE Contracts.
How has sustainability, equality and diversity been considered as part of the tender?
Consideration for environmental, economic, and social issues was built into the tendering process. The weighting for the responsible procurement evaluation questions was 20% given that this industry has high sustainability impacts.
Areas we considered included:
- Modern Slavery Act- suppliers demonstrated their approach against modern slavery, human trafficking, forced and bonded labour and labour rights violations in the supply chains.
- Social Value Act – suppliers provided examples of tangible benefits they have achieved and delivered on other contracts and described the social value activities they propose to deliver through the life of the agreement.
- Reducing carbon emissions – suppliers were asked how their organisation is minimising the environmental impact of its fleet and the activities involved in the disposal of waste; how it will help members achieve net zero targets; and what it has in place to support the carbon reporting activities of members.
- Circular economy – suppliers showed how they can assist member institutions in implementing circular economy.
All Suppliers on the agreement confirmed:
- their compliance with the Sustain Code of Conduct.
- they have access to a waste to energy facility.
Framework Launch Webinar
LUPC is holding a framework launch webinar on 21 September 2023 10.30-11.30. This online event will be open to all members of UKUPC. Please register here.
If you have any questions, please contact Julie Gooch , Senior Category Manager LUPC.