The latest iteration of SUPC’s Books, e-Books and e-Textbooks Framework Agreement went live on 4th of January 2022 and is available for use by LUPC members. It brings together high-performing suppliers to support sustainable pricing, innovative and inclusive platform access, better metadata and responsible operating practices to educational bodies across the UK. Estimated to draw over a quarter of a billion pounds in spend during the agreement lifetime, this framework provides an essential and compliant route to market.
Covid-19 and the move to remote teaching and learning have led to a significant increase in demand for digital resources. As the UK locked down in response to the pandemic, students needed immediate and easy access to online resources. The demand for these resources is only growing year on year as universities and colleges use hybrid and mixed teaching and learning models – and there’s no sign of this changing soon.
Category Manager for Academic Services Gavin Phillips, says, “Library purchasing is complex and moves at a fast pace. Member needs vary considerably according to the nature and budget of the Institution. So, in designing this agreement we included a wide range of member and supplier perspectives and aligned these with the strategic goals of the library sector and the organisations through which it operates. The result is a framework that provides compliant, flexible and easy access to books, e-books and e-textbooks for universities and colleges, helping these organisations deliver value to students and staff.”
Framework details:
The framework will run for two years, initially, with options to extend for up to two further years, if required. It covers English language print books for library stock; print books published in foreign languages; standing orders; e-book for library access; e-textbook access; English language print books for institution department purchase; and sales to individual staff and students (print or electronic).
What are the framework benefits?
- Value for money by using a collaborative agreement
- Compliance with Public Contracts Regulations 2015
- Specification that meets current requirements and supports longer-term development
- On-going supplier management, including set KPIs to monitor supplier performance
- Flexibility to apply local requirements at call-off
What’s new in this framework for books e-books and e-textbooks for universities and colleges?
- Lot 2 now includes supply of hard-to-source worldwide material on quote basis
- Two new sublots within e-books for libraries covering Multi-publisher EBA schemes and platforms for e-books in primarily non-UK languages
- New suppliers including Erasmus (Lot 2), Houtschild (Lot 2), JSTOR (Lot 4.3), VitalSource (Lot 4.4, 5 and 7).
Who are the suppliers?
Lot 1 –UK language print
Blackwell, Browns Books, EBSCO, ProQuest
Lot 2 – Non-UK Languages Territories Print
Blackwell, Browns Books –new to this Lot, Casalini, EBSCO, Erasmus – new to the Framework, Houtschild – new to the Framework, Otto Harrassowitz, ProQuest
Lot 3 –Standing Orders
Browns Books –new to this Lot, EBSCO –new to this Lot, ProQuest
Lot 4.1 – E-books: title-by-title, package, and DDA
BibliU–new to this Lot, Browns Books –new to this Lot, EBSCO Kortext–new to this Lot, ProQuest
Lot 4.2 – E-books: publisher platforms purchased via aggregators
BibliU–new to this Lot, Browns Books –new to this Lot, EBSCO, ProQuest
Lot 4.3 – E-books: Multi-publisher EBA – New Lot!
BibliU, Browns Books, JSTOR – new to the Framework, ProQuest
Lot 4.4 – E-books: Subscriptions
BibliU, Browns Books –new to this Lot, EBSCO, Kortext–new to this Lot, ProQuest –new to this Lot, VitalSource – new to the Framework
Lot 4.5 –E-books: E-books: title-by-title, package, and DDA (foreign language) – New Lot
Lot 5 – e-Textbooks
BibliU, Blackwell, John Smith, Kortext, VitalSource – new to the Framework
Lot 6 – Sales to departments
Blackwell, Browns Books, EBSCO –new to this Lot, John Smith, ProQuest
Lot 7 – Sales to individuals
Blackwell, Browns Books –new to this Lot, John Smith, Kortext–new to this Lot, VitalSource – new to the Framework
- Agreement overview and follow-up Q&A
- Catch-up on the launch webinar recording: Getting to know the new Joint Consortia Agreement for Books, e-books, and e-textbooks
- HE Contracts, which includes:
- Agreement details available from 4thJanuary
- Buyer’s Guide
- Specification
- Tender questions
- Desktop calculator
- Call-off contract templates
- Supplier information
- Check it all out here:
- National Acquisitions Group (NAG) Publications
Contact LUPC Senior Category Manager Roy Dennis for any support.