LUPC, APUC, HEPCW, NEUPC, NWUPC, and SUPC members can now access the new national Networking - HE Supply & Services 2 (HENSS2) ITS2008NE. The framework commenced on the 6 June 2023 for an initial two-year period to the 5 June 2025, with the option to extend for a further two periods of up to 12 months until the 5 June 2027.
Framework details
The Framework agreement provides for the supply, installation, storage, maintenance, and repair of Networking Equipment, and Networking Consultancy provision.
This agreement consists of four Lots:
Lot 1 - Networking Equipment Only
Supply of equipment to be installed by Institution (and associated licenses), lease option included. Includes warranty support only.
Lot 2 - Routine / Low-value Networking Projects
This covers any aspects of Networking equipment and services in any combination, including equipment provision, design, storage, implementation, maintenance, training, through to final disposal. No Managed Service option. No lease option. Projects up to £150,000. This lot is particularly aimed at SME Suppliers, and the focus of the lot is agile and flexible delivery of non-core Networking equipment and services,
Lot 3 - Core Networking Projects
For any or all aspects of Networking in any combination, including equipment, design, storage, implementation, maintenance, training, Managed Service option (network maintenance, monitoring of attached network devices, monthly status reporting, implementation of upgrades/patches and user administration of both current and newly procured Infrastructure), through to final disposal. Projects over £150,000. Lease option on equipment.,
Lot 4 - Consultancy Only
Suppliers who can assist Universities in all aspects of networking consultancy from an independent perspective.
Rate card amounts (for lots 2, 3 and 4) will initially be fixed for two years.
- Cash savings are calculated at the Framework level based upon the difference between the general market list price and the price being offered via the Framework agreement. Additional savings are possible through further competition and committed aggregated spending for individual institutions.
- Non-Cash savings: use of Framework for a complex procurement. Contract specifications are included in the Framework specification.
- Compliance with all relevant legislation
- Provision to manage sustainable impacts via the Net Positives supplier action tool and UN Sustainability Code of Conduct
- Flexible call-off options
- Direct control of contract management and supplier reviews at the consortia level. All supplier contact details are available via HEC
- Supply Chain benefits through the inclusion of electronic watch terms and conditions.
- Established HE Suppliers awarded to the framework
- Robust terms and conditions
- A new lease option for customers to benefit from
How do I call off from the framework agreement?
Call-off from the Framework Agreement is by means of:
(i) ranking;
(ii) further competition;
(iii) desktop exercise.
Please refer to the Buyer’s Guide in HE Contracts for full details.
How has sustainability, equality and diversity been considered as part of the tender?
The Selection Questionnaire (SQ) asked questions on the Equality and Diversity policy scope, breadth and coverage, plus the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Codes of Practice for Employment and Sustainability with criteria weighted at 15%. A number of Sustainability and CSR areas were tested at ITT stage with similar weighting.
All Suppliers on the agreement were asked to confirm their compliance with the Sustain Code of Conduct, and to sign up to the Electronics Watch Terms and Conditions.
If you have any questions, please contact Mike Kilner.