The total spend through the UK's eight higher education purchasing consortia amounts to £1.9bn with cashable savings of £87.3 million and non-cashable savings of £79.1m, according to UKUPC's first annual impact statement.
The formal partnership of eight UK consortia, UKUPC, includes LUPC and its counterparts in Scotland, Wales and English regions. It works together to share knowledge and best practice, such as improving communications and promoting collaborative procurement.
As well as giving members access to over 170 purchasing agreements, there is also a wide range of events where members can meet colleagues in the procurement world and share expertise. Members can attend tender working party meetings, user groups and free conferences.
Richard Murphy, Chair of the UKUPC Board and Managing Director of TEC, (The Energey Consortium), says: "This document sets out the impact and value that this formal partnership between the UK purchasing consortia delivers. Clear focus and delivery of procurement based cashable/non-cashable savings is supplemented by training, events, sharing of best practice and responsible procurement. By collaborating as the UKUPC; we draw upon a wealth of expertise, knowledge and experience in each individual consortium and deliver a far greater value to you, the members."
Click here to read the statement.