A mentally healthy community at a university or any organisation requires mentally healthy staff, supported by the right services available at the right time and in the right way. During Mental Health Awareness Week, we wanted to highlight the range of enablers UKUPC Members have access to - from frameworks, to training, to strategic planning – to support a mentally healthy staff who, in turn, can support students, staff and their wider communities.
Occupational Health and Wellbeing for Staff and Students
This national framework provides services such as specialist Occupation Health and Wellbeing Services that specifically address staff and student mental health. Through Lot 3 (Staff and Student Wellbeing Services), members can access a range of services provided through online portals and/or mobile device apps (Apple and Android) including:
- Support/advice/wellbeing videos and chat services e.g., Skype.
- Marketing literature, awareness training, management information, counselling services
By using this framework, members and the wider sector can:
- Secure appropriate mental health services for their staff and student population
- Adopt a uniform process for contract awards and establish a consistent measure of value for money
- Access a comprehensive list of available services and choose those that are applicable to them
- Deliver savings and improved terms through UKUPC collaborative procurement
- Access appropriate contractual, minimum service quality levels and other safeguards put in place to ensure high quality services
On an individual basis contracts can be complex; use of the framework allows for a simpler model to encourage best value through competition and ensure the delivery of specialist services.
This framework provides a compliant, fast route to market while delivering competitive rates and a flexible call-off structure supported by suppliers that know the HE sector.
Training and Workshops: Does your Organisation Support a Mentally Healthy Workplace?
Raising awareness and knowledge of mental health and wellbeing is proven to reduce stigma, absence and turnover with all of the associated benefits for your employees and your place of work. Aimed at managers and leaders, virtual training, delivered by SUPC partner Oyster Outcomes, focuses on common mental health issues and improving workplace wellbeing. Focused Mental Health First Aid courses are also available. UKUPC Members can access discounted rates by mentioning ‘SUMS/SUPC’. For more information, contact f.gasparro@reading.ac.uk.
Effective Organisational Mental Health Strategies
Mental health and wellbeing are foundational to all aspects of university life. Through providing expertise in sector frameworks, to expert-led training sessions, Higher Education specialists SUMS Consulting (a sister division of SUPC) enables institutions to provide the best support possible for the mental wellbeing of staff and students. By implementing effective strategies and systems of support, we can help you create a positive and productive working environment.
SUMS has supported universities across the UK with:
- Strategy Development and Reviews: Is Your Mental Health and Wellbeing Service Provision Fit for the Future?
- New Operating Model Design and Implementation: Does Your Institution Have the Right Operating Model in Place to Support Mental Health and Wellbeing?
- Facilitating Collaboration: Are You Connected to the Right Organisations?
SUMS’ extensive knowledge of effective and innovative practice in the sector informs their support for universities. Their approach includes making use of the Universities UK Stepchange: Mentally Healthy Universities Framework and the Student Minds Mental Health Charter.