This week, we’ve partnered with Electronics Watch to highlight the work they do and the benefits to our members as affiliates.
Electronics Watch is an independent monitoring organisation that helps public sector buyers work together to protect labour rights and improve working conditions for workers in their global electronics supply chains. They work with monitoring partners in twelve countries which enable their 330 affiliates in Europe and Australia to understand risk and violations in their supply chains.
LUPC was the second UK consortium to affiliate all its full members to Electronics Watch, demonstrating our commitment to responsible procurement. Affiliation supports our work to mitigate human rights abuses in supply chains both inside and outside consortia frameworks and is at no extra cost to full LUPC members. If you are a full LUPC member and you don’t already have login details, please email Martina Hooper at
Affiliation includes access to Electronics Watch clauses, resources, information and direct support so members can work with their own suppliers in order to increase supply chain transparency and improve conditions for electronics workers globally, whether using LUPC frameworks or tendering their own contracts.
This week, we will be explaining who Electronics Watch is, what they do, and the benefits of affiliation with them. Please take a look at their website which will give you an idea of their work and the impact they have. An example of their activity, which we highlighted recently, is the video they released on nickel mining in the Philippines, where pilot monitoring has been taking place since 2019.
If you would like to schedule an introductory webinar or a one-to-one update call, please contact Peter on You can also read a definition of terms that Electronics Watch use regularly in their work.