Thank you to those of our members who took the time to complete our annual membership survey. We have analysed the responses and compiled this LUPC Membership Survey Report .
We are pleased to have maintained our 100% record in terms of the number of respondents that stated they would recommend us to other organisations, and 100% agreed that LUPC provides good or excellent customer service.
The report is an accurate record of how LUPC is currently viewed by our members. Please read the report for details of the feedback provided and how we will address any points raised with us. We are in the process of following up any comments requiring an individual response.
We pledged to donate £2 for every survey completed to the charity, Student Minds and can confirm that a donation of £100 has been made.
If you have any questions regarding the content of this report, or any further comments, please contact Suzanne Picken, head of membership, marketing & communications or the LUPC Director, Don Bowman.