LUPC has set up quarterly category group meetings for Estates & Facilities Management and Professional Services, with the first ones taking place in December.
The group meetings will be an excellent opportunity to join others from the LUPC membership responsible for the procurement of these categories. Ideal for continuing the professional development of procurement staff and facilitating networking amongst peers.
Topics for discussion might include the supplier market, best practice procurement, contract performance/management and responsible procurement. These meetings, however, will be your meetings so let us know when you book what you would like us to facilitate and we will form a useful and interesting agenda.
Estates Category Group meeting - 8th December 2020 10.00-11.30
An opportunity to join others responsible for the procurement of Estates and Facilities Management products and services to discuss matters relating (but not restricted) to estates maintenance, cleaning, security, catering, construction and waste.
If you have any questions, please contact Julie Gooch.
Book here.
Professional Services Category Group meeting - 14th December 2020 10.00-11.30
An opportunity to join others responsible for the procurement of professional services to discuss matters relating (but not limited) to legal services, debt recovery, occupational health, training providers, global mobility and financial services.
If you have any questions, please contact Roy Dennis.
Book here.