LUPC is now inviting nominations from senior contacts across our membership for election to our Board of directors.
This year there is one vacant space on our Board.
Following the recognition of areas of low representation from the existing Board in a recent skills audit, we would welcome the inclusion of applications from candidates with skills in the following areas: HR or Marketing, though this should not deter you if you do not have these skills or are aware of someone in your organisation who would be interested.
As a company limited by guarantee, LUPC is led by a Board made up of senior directors drawn from members of the consortium. All Board Members are democratically elected by the membership with just one exception – LUPC's Director, who is accountable to the Board.
The Board is responsible for the strategic leadership and direction of the consortium. It elects the Chair and Deputy Chair, appoints the Director, sets the budget, publishes its Annual Report and Accounts and executes all other duties and responsibilities commensurate with directing the company.
The Board meets four times annually and delegates day-to-day management responsibility to the Director and decisions as to operational priorities to LUPC’s Executive Committee. Board minutes are available on request.
For more information on the Board and the current Directors, click here.
Directorships are not remunerated, but past directors have invariably found the experience an interesting, rewarding and a beneficial one.
All candidates will need a nomination from another Member Institution (we can help you with this). The closing date for nominations is close of business on 7 February 2020.
For further information contact Don Bowman, Director, t: 020 7307 2769.