26 January @ 10AM: Time to Talk – EU Exit Logistics & Freight Forwarding
Neil Hall and Sam Hunt of Crown Commercial Service will explore EU Exit logistics solutions, including freight forwarding and the procurement options available through the Warehousing & Logistics framework.
Bookings are free for all members, there is no limit on numbers, and you can secure your place here.
3 February @ 10AM: Time to Talk – Do you need to pay duty on the import of goods from the EU? EU Trade Deal and Rules of Origin
David Miller from the Customs People is going to run a Time to Talk on the impact of the Trade Agreement and specifically the EU Rules of Origin, on HEIs. There is a general misconception in the press that the Trade Deal removed the "problem" of paying import duty on movements of goods from the EU and this is not the case - meeting the conditions on, and proving, EU origin are key. David has shared this high level summary with members.