We know our members need some information to help them deal with immediate challenges thrown up by COVID-19, so along with SUPC we have put together a series of webinars for our members covering this subject area. The day’s programme, found here, is taking place on 15 April and includes five webinars delivered by sector experts, which can be dipped in and out of as you choose. We would like to thank VWV, who are generously sponsoring the day’s programme and providing members of their legal team to share their insight and advice on dealing with current procurement challenges.
As well as providing guidance around PPN 01/20 and 02/20, force majeure, frustration and contract management, VWV’s session also includes a Q&A panel on legal issues around COVID-19. If you have a question you would like answering in this session, please email your question(s) to Suzanne Picken s.picken@lupc.ac.uk by midday on Thursday 9th April.
The afternoon programme covers softer skills around change and resourcefulness during COVID-19.
How do I book my place?
Book here to secure your place. You do not need to attend all the webinars, but can dip in and out of the day as you’re able.
For any queries, please contact Suzanne Picken s.picken@lupc.ac.uk