Your Member Benefits page is now even more tailored to you! At the top of this page, you will find buttons that will take your through to your profile, where you can update your personal information and your communications preferences; your discussions showing anything that you have posted on our Discussion Boards; your Events which lists all the LUPC events you have attended; and now your Documents.
In the Documents tab, we will upload any reports that are specific to you and, if you are the Procurement Lead/Main Purchasing Contact for your organisation, you will also find bespoke organisation reports that we create, such as the annual Member Benefit Report.
Annual Events Report
On an annual basis, we create an individual Events Report for you. This includes not just LUPC events, but ones we have advertised through the Events page of our website such as UKUPC webinars or partner/supplier-led webinars, often booked through Eventbrite. Anyone that has attended more than one event will now find their 2022-23 Event Report in the My Documents section found either on the Your Member Benefits webpage, or in My LUPC at the top of our website. This will be useful for anyone needing to document their CPD activity, particularly for those requiring to record 30 hours of CPD each year to maintain CIPS Chartered Status.
Please note that whilst the bespoke event reports are produced annually, your Events can be accessed at any point to check which LUPC events you have attended. These will show LUPC events open to LUPC members only that have been booked through our website and will not be as comprehensive as the Annual Event Report in My Documents.
We have also uploaded the individual Annual Member Benefit Report for 2022-23 to the My Documents tab for each Main Purchasing Contact.